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Are you looking for a job where you have great flexibility to determine both working hours and work area? In that case, a temporary agency is a really good solution for you. We make sure to find a company that is looking for you and your skills. 

Have you worked with steel before?

It is very important to us that we know which job offers you are interested in. That way, we can concentrate on finding exactly the job that suits you best. Being a temporary worker is something special compared to having a permanent job. As a temporary worker, you can experience working in several different places with different managments. This gives a great variety in the work, and therefore it never gets boring. We are primarily looking for candidates in the steel industry – but if you have other skills within the other trades, we would also love to hear from you. However, it is important that you are skilled and have a qualification for this. This is a requirement to be accepted as a candidate at ATN Service ApS 

Let's find out more about you

On this page you can create a profile for yourself. That way we can see who you are and what skills you have. This means that we can more easily match your skills and work experience with the task the company needs to solve. Thanks to the information provided, we try to match your qualification and expectations with expectation of the contractor to ensure good mutual cooperation . By creating a profile, your name is entered into our database, where we look for possible candidates when the companies are looking for candidates to solve a specific task or a specific project. The employment period depends on the company’s lack of manpower, and you can therefore expect to be employed for both a longer and shorter period. 

Create your profile here

 Create your profile by pressing the button below. We just need a little information about you and your skills, experience – then we are ready for cooperation.

We’ll take care of you

We would like to emphasize how important it is for us that you feel safe throughout the entire process, from creating your profile to your first job. If you want to know more about what it’s like to be a temporary worker through ATN Service ApS, you can read more about it on the “Jobs for us” page by clicking the button below. Here you will also find statements from other temporary workers. 
If you have any questions, you can always contact us. We are ready to answer your questions – both in Danish, English and Polish.